Sixaxis pair tool website
Sixaxis pair tool website

  1. #Sixaxis pair tool website install
  2. #Sixaxis pair tool website Ps4

Then, plug your controller to your computer using a USB cable. The program is just a tiny window like the one shown below at figure 2.

sixaxis pair tool website

After the installation is concluded, search for sixaxisPairTool in your programs and launch it.

#Sixaxis pair tool website install

After downloading the executable, run it and install the program in your machine. The download link is available as shown in figure 1. So, to install the mentioned tool, simply go to its website and download the executable assuming that you are on Windows. Independently of which one we choose, the easiest way is to use a tool called SixaxisPairToolwhich allows to both get the current MAC address stored on the controller and also set a new value.

#Sixaxis pair tool website Ps4

So, before we can connect the ESP32 and the PS4 controller, we need to follow one of the following options. Before we can start using the controller, we need to consider that when a PS4 controller is paired with a console, it means that the controller has stored the Bluetooth MAC address of the console and this is the only device to which the controller will connect to. After this, simply extract the content of the. Mine is located in the path below, but it might differ in your machine. After that, locate the folder where our Arduino libraries are installed.

sixaxis pair tool website

We will cover more advanced functionalities in future tutorials.

sixaxis pair tool website

In this introductory tutorial we will focus on all the procedures we need to do before we can connect the controller to the ESP So, in terms of coding, we will just configure the ESP32 to receive a controller connection. The connection will be established using Bluetooth.

Sixaxis pair tool website